Allu Arjun has been granted regular bail in the Sandhya Theatre stampede case by Hyderabad's Nampally court. The court's decision came on Friday after being a point of contention for quite a long time. The stampede which resulted in widespread outroar happened on December 4, when Allu Arjun attended the premiere of 'Pushpa 2' at Sandhya Theatre, following which, a stampede occurred leading to the death of a woman.
The tragic death of Revathi and injuries to her child led to massive uproar including Allu Arjun's arrest, following the incident. Allu Arjun was released on bail after submitting a Rs. 50,000 bond.The interim bill which was granted by the Telangana High Court for four weeks, was to end on January 10, 2025.
Sandhya Theatre stampede case
After the entire ordeal, a case was registered against Allu Arjun, his security team and the theatre management under different sections of Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) at the Chikkadpally police station after a complaint was filed by the deceased woman's family.
Allu Arjun was arrested by the city police in connection with the death of the woman on December 13 and later was granted a four-week interim bail on the same day and released from prison on December 14, 2024.
The complainant has brought to the commission's attention the death of a woman, reportedly caused by a "lathi charge" by the Chikkadpally police, who were present during a promotional event for Pushpa 2 with Allu Arjun. According to the complainant, a stampede occurred at the event, leading to "severe injuries" to the woman and her two children.
The complainant has also claimed that the police's use of lathi charge and the absence of adequate arrangements when film star Allu Arjun entered the theater led to the woman's death and injuries to her children.