New Delhi: Samantha Ruth Prabhu along with Vijay Deverakonda are set to sizzle on the silver screen in the upcoming film 'Kushi.' As the release date draws nearer, the excitement among the audience is reaching unprecedented heights with each new asset drop. Adding fuel to the already roaring anticipation, the film's team recently unveiled a brand-new song titled 'Aradhya,' featuring the charismatic lead pair.
The lyrical video not only treats the fans to the melodious tune but also showcases stunning pictures of Samantha and Vijay, captivating the hearts of netizens and leaving them in awe of their undeniable chemistry.
The song’s lyrical video was launched in numerous languages, including Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi, allowing fans a glimpse of the dazzling chemistry between the lead duo.
The video opens with stills of Vijay and Samantha’s characters getting married. Their newlywed existence is perfectly encapsulated in the song. It artfully depicts their romantic moments while highlighting their well furnished home and their devoted companion, a charming pet dog who never leaves Samantha's side. The song portrays hints of their budding romance as, despite being working professionals, they keep each other engaged with frequent calls.
The Telugu version of the song has been composed by Hisham Abdul Wahab and sung by Sid Sriram and Chinmayi Sripada. The Hindi version, written by Raqueeb Alam, is sung by Jubin Nautiyal and Palak Muchchal.
Recently, while speaking about the 'Aradhya' song, Vijay said, "Aradhya is a song about a young couple that’s very much in love and its that one year after marriage where you are having your own space, your own intimacy, you just have all the time and this person all for yourself. So, its about that beautiful time post-marriage, usually before shit hits the ceiling. And in some way, a lot of these moments in the song are from my life, from the experiences that I have had. I am not married but in some sort of way, when I get married this is how I would like to see my married life to be."