New Delhi: Actor Shruti Haasan, attended the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival recently. She also attended the prestigious event last year with her superstar father Kamal Haasan, who was also there to promote his movie, 'Vikram'. During the promotion of 'Vikram', last year, Kamal Haasan stayed in a luxury yacht, while Haasan stayed in another apartment with her film's producer. 

Recently, Shruti spoke to Film Companion, and shared that her father Kamal Haasan thought the Cannes Film Festival was 'crazy'. She also shared that while the superstar was there at the Cannes, he lived in a yacht, while she shared an apartment with her film's producer. 

He had a yacht last time and that is such a Kamal Haasan move. I don’t have a yacht. I am in an apartment, sharing with my producer,” Shruti shared.


Shruti was recently at Cannes 2023 as part of the Activating Change event, where she discussed gender parity. The actor also spoke about pay parity in the film industry and also spoke about "disparity in character lengths and storytelling” and she has “fallen prey” to it “consistently.”

The actor also spoke about being a part of movies where she felt, " What am I doing here?'

"There have been movies where I felt I get why she is there after reading the script. However, after doing the film, I am like, ‘Why is she here?’ and it has happened very recently,” shared Shruti.

The actor also spoke about the difference in how a man and a woman behave on the set. She told the publication, "I think respect is earned by your actions and not by the fact that you are a man or a senior man in the industry. I am always respectful, but that extra little masala and extra butter they want on the corn, they have not gotten (from me) and I have always paid a price for it. So, that’s the biggest parity difference I have experienced. A man can act in any way and a woman is expected to act in a certain way.”


She also added that fleeting expressions get to her, ‘You cannot be so loud when you laugh, you can’t crack that joke.'” However, the actor has started to be herself on the set now without caring much about, ‘Log kya bolenge (What will people say)’.

Shruti Haasan will next be seen in Prashant Neel's next film 'Salaar', opposite Prabhas.