New Delhi: Actor Kajal Aggarwal has been in the film industry for sixteen years now. Kajal has predominantly worked in Telugu and Tamil films and also some Hindi movies over these many years. In a recent interaction, Kajal spoke about her journey, mother's guilt, women centric roles and several challenges and criticism she has faced in her career. Talking about resuming work a week postpartum and then do a full-fledged action film, 'Indian 2' , 2 months post-partum, Kajal Agarwal shed light on the challenges post partum she faced personally and professionally.

Kajal Aggarwal on life after marriage

In an interview with the channel, PREMA the journalist, Kajal shed light on not changing as much as a person post marriage as she did after motherhood. The 'Mersal' actor accepted that managing her home and her professional life was not as challenging as having a baby. Calling this subjective, Kajal shared, "Everytime, you move forward in life, you feel the earlier phase was easier."

"Now, I have one child, maybe if I have two, I feel having one is easier than having two. I feel marriage is easier now it's not as easy as it used to be before getting married when I was single. It was so amazing because I was not answerable to anyone."

Kajal Aggarwal resumed work 1 week postpartum

Kajal also shed light on resuming work postpartum after delivering her son Neil. The actor shared that she began shooting for Kamal Haasan starrer 'Indian 2' two months after delivering her son Neil. "I was so emotionally invested because the journey had been for four years. It's not about now. Things happened in between. COVID happened otherwise this movie would have been over long ago."

“Two months postpartum, I shot Indian 2." When asked how physicall demanding it was, Agarwal shared, " It was extremely demanding. I was back on a horse 2 months after delivering my child. I was horse riding which was excrutiaintly painful. And, I was also doing 'Kalaripayattu' and I barely had the strength. But then, I was trying to build up. I had to look the part, I had to fit back in. I had to stick to my committment and that was not easy for me but then I did not want to let go of that film because of the journey I've had with that film."

Kajal added that if she had left ‘Indian 2’ then, they would have gone with someone else. 

However, praising her director S.Shankar for fitting her schedule till the last moment he could, just so that he could accomodate Kajal in the film, she added that he assured her that “ no one is going to take your place."

Indian 2 release date

Meanwhile, a new release date of 'Indian 2' has been announced. The Kamal Haasan starrer will now release on July 12, 2024.