Tamil superstar Ajith Kumar has expressed discomfort with the growing trend of fans chanting "Kadavule Ajithey" in public spaces. In a statement issued on Tuesday, Ajith requested his followers to refrain from using this phrase, urging them to refer to him simply by his name or initials.
What Ajith said in his statement
The statement, shared in both English and Tamil, was posted on X (formerly Twitter) under the heading "From The Desk of AK." Ajith expressed his unease with the superlative terms used in the chant, stating, “Of late, a certain factor has been disturbing me and in particular slogan, K....', 'Ajithey' has been publicly recited on various events and public gatherings. I am uncomfortable with superlatives or any kind of prefix mentioned alongside my name. I prefer being addressed by my name or my initials.”
He further urged fans to put an end to the practice immediately. “I take this opportunity to request all those who indulge in this slogan shouting practise in public places to stop this with immediate effect & restrain themselves from doing so ever again. My sincere request to everyone is to work hard, play hard without hurting anyone, look after your respective families & be law-abiding citizens. Live and let live," the statement read.
How the slogan started
The "Kadavule Ajithey" chant gained popularity after a viral interview clip sparked a wave of enthusiasm among Ajith's fans. The term "Kadavule," which means "God" in Tamil, quickly caught on in Tamil Nadu, where fans began using it in public spaces to celebrate the actor.
Ajith Kumar’s upcoming projects
Ajith, who was last seen in the 2023 action thriller Thunivu, is gearing up for his next big release, Vidaamuyarchi. Directed by Magizh Thirumeni, the film features an ensemble cast, including Trisha Krishnan, Arjun Sarja, Arav, and Regina Cassandra. Additionally, the actor will star in Adhik Ravichandran's Good Bad Ugly, sharing the screen with Trisha, Prasanna, and Sunil.