New Delhi: Police have arrested two culprits in Sonam Kapoor’s Delhi robbery case. Aparna Ruth Wilson, who worked in the capacity of nurse at the Delhi residence, and her husband Naresh allegedly stole jewelry and cash worth Rs 2.47 crores. Nothing has been recovered yet.
The robbery at the Amrita Shergill Marg house took place on February 11 and an FIR was filed at the Tughlak Road Police Station on February 23.
The FIR was registered under Indian Penal Code section 381 (theft by clerk or servant of property in possession of master), reported Mint. According to the same report, the complainant was Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja’s house manager.
In lieu of the case being high profile, investigation was started immediately with senior police officials from New Delhi district taking the case seriously and forming special squads to carry out the investigation.
"The Delhi Police Crime Branch along with a team of the Special Staff Branch of the New Delhi district conducted a raid in Sarita Vihar on Tuesday night. They apprehended Wilson and her husband, both 31 years old," a senior police officer told Mint.
Of the arrested couple, Aparna was a regular at Sonam Kapoor’s residence because of the nature of her work as a nurse to Anand Ahuja’s mother, Sarla Kapoor. Naresh (Aparna’s husband),on the other hand, works as an accountant at a firm in Shakarpur.
They managed to nab the said amount of cash and jewelry in a gradual manner owing to Aparna’s regular visits to the house.
Sonam Kapoor’s Delhi house employs over 20-25 people and all of them have been questioned with regards to the case.