New Delhi: For many fans, ‘Sharmaji Namkeen’, Rishi Kapoor's last film, occupies a special place. Two years after the actor's death, the film is a touching tribute to him and his contribution to the Hindi film industry.
The film, directed by Hitesh Bhatia, also stars Paresh Rawal, who took over the role of Kapoor following his tragic demise. For the first time ever in Hindi cinema, two of the country's most talented performers share the screen as a single figure.
Rishi Kapoor and Paresh Rawal star in the narrative of Brij Gopal Sharma (who struggles to remain motivated after retirement). Sharma hopes to turn his hobby of cooking into a profession to help him cope with the loneliness he feels now that he's retired.
When 'Sharmaji Namkeen' debuted on the OTT platform, viewers immediately began tweeting about their thoughts on the film. Several viewers flocked to their Twitter accounts to express their admiration for the film and to commend the actors' performances.
Some people described it as a lovely and respectable film with an important message and said that Rishi Kapoor's last performance brought them to tears. Paresh Rawal's acting in the film was also praised and he was hailed for his elegance in portraying the character.
Check out some of the tweets:
'Sharmaji Namkeen' has been hailed as a film on self-love, according to some people who praised the storyline. What are your thoughts about the film?
ALSO READ: Ranbir Kapoor Reveals His Uncle Randhir Kapoor Has Dementia And Wanted To Talk To Rishi Kapoor After Watching ‘Sharmaji Namkeen’