New Delhi: Yesterday (November 2), Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan turned 57, and the celebrations for him and his legion of devoted followers were nothing short of massive. In order to celebrate his birthday with his devoted fan base, Shah Rukh made an appearance at an event called SRK Day. The teaser trailer for his long-awaited return to the big screen, ‘Pathaan’ was also released during the event, adding an extra layer of excitement for fans. 

Thousands of Shah Rukh Khan's devoted followers went into a frenzy when they heard he was going to be at a certain event in the city. In addition, Shah Rukh Khan is shown mingling with the many adoring fans who showed up in force for the SRK Day celebration. The star also danced to his signature song "Chaiya Chaiya," and the audience went wild. 

While his followers shouted, Shah Rukh also cut a three-tiered cake in celebration of his birthday. 

On Wednesday, Shah Rukh Khan lighted up the world's tallest skyscraper, the Burj Khalifa. A video of the Burj Khalifa fully lighted up for SRK's birthday was uploaded on Burj Khalifa’s official Instagram account. Look at the video:

Earlier on Wednesday, the actor shared a photo he took with admirers outside his Mumbai home, Mannat. SRK tweeted: "It's so lovely to live in front of the sea.....the sea of love that spreads all around me on my birthday....thank u. Grateful for making me feel so special....& happy."

SRK’s upcoming film reportedly follows a RAW Agent with the codename Pathaan (played by Shah Rukh Khan) as he confronts a sinister enemy intent on dismantling India's security services. There is an unprecedented level of excitement for an authentic and natural picture. On January 25, 2023, the movie will premiere in theatres. ‘Pathaan’ also features John Abraham and Deepika Padukone.