New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan has been riding high on the success of 'Pathaan' The megastar recently attended the NMAAC gala and became the talk of the town after his performance to the hit track 'Jhoome Jo Pathaan' went viral. SRK's performance from the gala has been doing the rounds on social media and now with pictures of him trying out paan at a stall, SRK fandom cannot keep calm. German fashion blogger and model Caroline Daur, who was also present at the launch of Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, shared glimpses from the event, including a video of her and SRK trying paan.

Taking to her official Instagram handle, Caroline shared snips from the gala and wrote, "Deeply impressed by the extraordinary exhibition, India in Fashion showcasing the fine craftsmanship and elaborately embroidered works celebrating the creatives and the heritage of India @nmacc.india.” 

In the last video which she shared, we see Shah Rukh Khan in a black pathani salwar kurta having paan at a stall.

Soon after this post was shared, SRK fandom went gaga over their favourite star's gesture and were happy to see him enjoy paan. A fan commented on Caroline's post, "Shah Rukh Khan, the king of Bollywood, just casually behind you eating from the buffet is the vibe I am living for.” Another wrote, “Oh my god last slide !!! You doesn’t even know who is next to you!! He’s the dream of the millions of girls and you’re eating next to him indifferent how it’s possible.” 

Many of SRK's German fans also commented on the post. A user wrote, "Shah Rukh Khan alteeeeeer. ❤️ das sieht alles so toll aus! Livin' my Bollywood Dream! 🔥," which translates to 'Shah Rukh Khan aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that. ❤️ it all looks so great! Living my Bollywood Dream! 🔥."


Caroline also shared a snip of SRK's performance with her post which got many heart emojis.

Meanwhile, the launch of NMAAC was attended by many international stars like Tom Holland, Zendaya, Gigi Hadid, fashion designers and Bollywood celebs including Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan and others.