New Delhi: On the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti on Thursday, the 'Adipurush' filmmakers have now released the first glimpse of actor Devdatta Nage as Hanuman, following the release of a new poster on Ram Navmi. On the poster, Devdatta Nage portrays Hanuman seated in a meditating position. Om Raut, who also helmed 'Tanhaji The Unsung Warrior', is helming the movie, which stars Prabhas as Raghava, Kriti Sanon as Janaki, Sunny Singh as Lakshman, and Saif Ali Khan as Lankesh.

Devdatta is well recognised for his role as Lord Khandoba in the Marathi television series Jai Malhar. In 2013's 'Once Upon a Time in Bombay Dobaara', he made his Bollywood debut. He most recently appeared in Satyameva Jayate. His performance as Suryaji Malusare in Om Raut's first big-budget film, Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior, was well-received.

Sharing the poster on his social media handle, lead actor Prabhas who essays the character of Lord Rama in the film, wrote, "Ram ke Bhakt aur Ramkatha ke praan…
Jai Pavanputra Hanuman!

राम के भक्त और रामकथा के प्राण…
जय पवनपुत्र हनुमान!"

Check out the poster here:

Adipurush is a multilingual period saga that is a screenplay version of the Hindu epic Ramayana. It is touted as a movie celebrating "the triumph of good over evil." The Ram Navmi poster showed Prabhas and Sunny wielding bows and arrows, donning armour, and wearing dhotis. Devdatta was pictured in a side posture as he bowed to the three while Kriti was dressed simply in a saree with her head covered. "Mantron se badhke tera naam Jai Shri Ram (your name is bigger than any mantras)," the caption of the post read.

When many criticised the portrayal of Hindu deities and the poor quality of the visual effects in the teaser of the high-budget movie released in October, Adipurush courted controversy and received boycott requests. The movie was originally scheduled to hit theatres on August 11, 2022, but that date was later moved to January 12, 2023. The 3D release date for it this year is currently set for June 16.

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