Mumbai: On Monday, actor Salman Khan once again approached the court against Kamal Rashid Khan aka KRK, and demanded action against him. He filed a petition saying that even after the ban, KRK has been passing derogatory comments, so a contempt petition has been filed against him.

KRK Accused Of Contempt Of Court

In the petition filed by Salman Khan, Kamal R Khan has been accused of contempt of court. The ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’ actor’s lawyer Pradip Ghandy has said that in the last hearing Kamal R Khan's lawyer Manoj Gadkari had assured the court that KRK will not make any derogatory comment against Salman Khan till the next hearing. But despite this, KRK has been continuously passing defamatory comments. Therefore, by filing a petition, Salman has demanded action against KRK. Salman has said in the petition that Kamal R Khan should be stopped from making videos related to him, his films, and his business.

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Controversy Started Post The Release Of ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’

The controversy between Salman Khan and Kamal R Khan came to the forefront after the release of ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’ when Salman did not like the review of the film by KRK. Salman had filed a defamation case against him then. On Monday, now a petition was filed in the court regarding derogatory remarks. It was termed as contempt of court. The next hearing is on June 11.

Salman Khan's Radhe released last month on the occasion of Eid which also features Jackie Shroff and Disha Patani in pivotal roles. Randeep Hooda portrayed the role of the main antagonist in the film.

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