New Delhi: Hrithik Roshan is referred to be the Greek God of Bollywood for a reason. Every time the actor posts a photo of himself looking spiffy, his followers go wild. It's not uncommon for his comment area to be flooded with fire emojis. On Monday morning, Hrithik posted an Instagram photo of himself wearing black pants and a hat. The shot showed the actor's back to the camera. Hrithik’s girlfriend Saba Azad was quick to give her reaction to his photo.
Hrithik Roshan turned his back to the camera as he shared a shirtless shot. In the photo, the actor proudly displayed his chiselled shoulders and back. Hrithik captioned the photo, "Back Day”.
Check out his post:
Immediately after the photo was posted, adoring admirers showed their support for the actor. Some referred to Roshan as the Greek God, while others admired him for his dedicated fitness regime.
Saba Azad was clearly too captivated by Hrithik’s photo as she dropped muscle, fire and black heart emojis.
Earlier, 'Vikram Vedha' actor posted a photo of himself working out on Instagram. He even gave his followers advice in the caption. He wrote, "When you need to shred fast, nothing works better than vitamin D’hoop! Soak it in before the yellow turns blue."
Currently, Hrithik Roshan is working on the set of ‘Fighter’, an upcoming action picture that will reunite him with War director Siddharth Anand. It's his first time acting with Deepika Padukone. The release date for the film is set for the beginning of 2024. Meanwhile, in ‘War 2’, he'll reprise the role of RAW agent Kabir.