New Delhi: As fans across the country celebrate Sushant Singh Rajput's 37th birth anniversary, his sisters shared heartwarming posts on social media in his fond memory. Rhea Chakraborty also shared two pictures with the late actor and boyfriend wishing him on his birth anniversary on Saturday. Sushant Singh was found dead at his apartment in Mumbai on June 14, 2020 and Rhea was charged with abetment of suicide by Sushant's family and was arrested for 28 days before getting bail. Rhea's friends have come out in support of her sharing that she had been wrongly implicated in this case.

Rhea shared two pictures with Sushant Singh Rajput and captioned it, "(infinity sign) +1." The first picture featured the two of them posing from behind two cups. The second was a happy selfie of them together. 

Rhea's friends Shibani Dandekar and Krishna Shroff also commented on Rhea's post. Many wished Sushant through Rhea's post while others blamed her for his death.


Sushant was found dead a few days after Rhea moved out of their Bandra house where they lived together. She and her younger brother Showik Chakraborty were arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau as they were accused in a drug nexus case of Bollywood. 

Meanwhile, on the work front, Rhea was seen in Rummy Jafry's film 'Chehre' which was released in 2021. Almost a year ago, Rhea shared a video from a radio station and wrote on Instagram, "Yesterday, I went to work after 2 years. A big thank you to all the people who stood by me through my toughest times. No matter what , the sun always shines. Never give up."