New Delhi: For someone who didn't come from a film background, Rajkummar Rao is an excellent role model. Recently the self-made celebrity addressed Bollywood nepotism and his struggles. Prior to the next release of ‘Hit: The First Case’, Rajkummar attended the India Today Conclave East 2022 where he shared his experiences as a student and afterward as a struggling performer in Mumbai.
Talking about his struggles, Rao said, “It was difficult being an outsider. I grew up in a joint family in Gurgaon and at that time, it was just a small town. I fell in love with cinema as a kid and knew this is what I wanted to do. I used to ride a bicycle 70 km up and down to Delhi when I was doing theatre. It was like going to meet your girlfriend.”
He further said, “I worked really hard at FTII. I wanted to learn as much as I could. He added, “Eventually, I moved to Mumbai, but that was tough. There were times when I lived on one Parle-G ka packet a day with just Rs 18 in my bank account. Luckily, I had friends from film school who helped. But I never had a Plan B. I always wanted to become an actor.”
The actor is now preparing for the premiere of ‘HIT: The First Case’, with Sanya Malhotra in which Rao is playing a police inspector. The film, which is a remake of the Telugu action thriller of the same name, will be released on July 15th.
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