Actor Kabir Bedi announced on Saturday that actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas would launch his autobiography "Stories I Must Tell: The Emotional Life Of An Actor" on April 19.
The launch will take place virtually as Priyanka will join Kabir from London. Kabir made the announcement on Instagram, uploading a launch poster.
"THRILLED TO BITS!!! @PriyankaChopra is officially launching my book "Stories I Must Tell: The Emotional Life of an Actor" on 19 April, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. IST," he captioned the poster.
"Stories I Must Tell: The Emotional Life Of An Actor" is about the highs and lows of Kabir Bedi's professional and personal life, in Bollywood, Hollywood and Europe. The book promises to talk of his tumultuous relationships, his deep loves and lingering losses, why his beliefs have changed, his wrenching setbacks, and how he made India proud. It is pitched as a story of his making, breaking and re-making as a man.
Stay tuned for more updates.