New Delhi: 'Indian Idol 12' anchor Aditya Narayan tied the knot with his ex-girlfriend Shweta Agarwal on Wednesday (December 1) at Isckon temple in Mumbai. The two love birds took the wedding vows in a close ceremony in front of their family members and friends owing to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The bride and groom twinned in their ivory and gold wedding outfits. Though their wedding was a close-knit ceremony, Aditya's parents were seen enjoying their son's marriage as they were spotted dancing in his 'baarat'.

Aditya Narayan All Set To Get Married, Here Are PICS From Pre-Wedding Festivities; Neha Kakkar Drops Comment

Take a look at their wedding pictures and videos here:

Aditya also took to his social media to share a picture from the tilak ceremony a few days back. Aditya and Shweta donned traditional outfits for the pre-wedding festivities. While Aditya looked dapper in a dark blue kurta, his ladylove wore an embroidered orange ethnic dress for the occasion. The couple complimented each other in their traditional avatar.

Aditya posted a photo in which he can be seen flashing his smile while posing with Shweta. The caption for the post read,"#ShwetakishaAdi."

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