New Delhi: Bollywood actor Salman Khan has been given exemption from an appearance by a court on Tuesday in the Blackbuck poaching case. During the hearing of an appeal by him against the five-year sentence in October 1998 blackbuck poaching case, reportedly, Khan’s counsel cited that the ‘rising’ number of COVID-19 cases in Mumbai and Jodhpur could be risky for the actor.

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According to a report of PTI, Additional District and Sessions Judge Brajesh Panwar granted the relief after the ‘Ready’ actor’s counsel cited the above-mentioned reason before the court.

Salman Khan’s counsel H M Saraswat who moved the application on Tuesday told PTI, “We prayed to the court that travelling to Jodhpur from Mumbai and appearing in the court when the cases of COVID infection have been rising in both Jodhpur and Mumbai could be risky for him.”

The court has fixed January 16 as the next hearing date for actor Salman Khan in Blackbuck poaching case.

The counsel further added, “Accepting our ground, the court allowed our application for exemption from appearance and listed the matter for hearing on January 16.”

Salman Khan was earlier directed by the court to appear for the hearing before the commencement of the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown. And ever since the lockdown, the ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ actor has sought exemption from appearing in the court citing the reason of COVID-19 lockdown.

In the blackbuck poaching case, co-accused actors Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Neelam and Tabu had been acquitted by the trial court which gave them the benefit of doubt. However, Salman was sentenced to five years' imprisonment on April 5, 2018, after he was convicted of poaching the endangered species, Blackbuck.

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