Shalini Passi, who gained fame through her appearance on the Netflix show ‘Fabulous Lives vs. Bollywood Wives’, captivated audiences with her charismatic personality. In a recent interview with Hauterrfly, Shalini opened up about the rising trend of young girls choosing Botox and cosmetic surgeries at an early age, sharing her candid thoughts on the issue.

Shalini Passi on Botox and cosmetic surgeries

Shalini Passi expressed her concern, stating that it is not ideal for young girls to undergo Botox and cosmetic surgeries at an early age.

“Nowadays, I see a lot of girls panicking during hormonal changes. These changes happen over 2 to 3 years and eventually settle down. I’ve noticed that it has become a trend among 18- to 19-year-old girls to get Botox and similar procedures. It’s wrong because your body hasn’t fully developed yet. Even getting such procedures done at the age of 22 is not right,” she said.

ALSO READ: Shalini Passi Opens Up About Losing Sensation In Spine And Legs Post-Childbirth: 'Doctor Said It’s For Life'

 “If you don’t love yourself, then others cannot love you. First, you must love yourself. You should know in your heart, ‘I am okay with who I am.’ For example, if this is my hair colour, it will stay that way. If my hair colour is black, then it’s my grandmother’s hair. Or, if this is my nose, then it’s my father’s nose. How can you not love your mother’s skin? How can you not love your grandmother’s eyes? People need to change their perspective and understand the value of embracing their natural features. The younger generation needs to realize that the lifestyle they see online is not reality,” she added.

About Shalini Passi

Shalini Passi joined the cast of ‘Fabulous Lives vs. Bollywood Wives’ as a new addition alongside Kalyani Saha Chawla and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni. The original lineup featured Bhavana Pandey, Maheep Kapoor, Seema Sajdeh, and Neelam Kothari, wives of prominent Bollywood actors. Shalini quickly became a fan favorite, captivating audiences with her sense of humor. The show is available to stream on Netflix.