Shalini Passi, who gained popularity after her appearance on the third season of Netflix’s 'Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives', recently opened up about a life-altering health challenge she faced after giving birth to her son, Robin. Shalini shared that she lost sensation in her spine and legs post-delivery and was advised to undergo regular spinal injections and avoid dancing and wearing heels. However, she defied medical advice and turned to alternative therapies to reclaim her life.
Shalini Passi lost sensation in her spine
In a conversation with Hauterrfly, Shalini recalled the tough period following her son’s birth. “My doctor said, ‘You will have to get an injection in your spine for the rest of your life,’ because I lost all sensation in my spine and legs,” she shared. The doctor further advised her to avoid heels and dancing, two things Shalini loved dearly. “So I just got up and left. I just sat in my car and left for my dance class. I said I have to dance, I love dancing and I love wearing heels,” she said.
Shalini chose alternative path to recovery
Refusing to let her condition define her, Shalini embraced Yoga, Ayurveda, and strength training to heal herself. “With Yoga, Ayurveda, exercise, and muscle training and strengthening, I strengthened my back,” she shared, adding that despite never taking medication from her doctor, she continues to visit him every five months for check-ups.
Her recovery even surprised her doctor. “He says it’s a miracle that you fixed this, it’s a miracle that you can walk, wear heels, and dance,” Shalini revealed.
Shalini's relationship with son
Shalini, who gave birth to Robin at the age of 20, also spoke about her special relationship with him in an earlier conversation with Deepak Pareek. She described their dynamic as more sibling-like, highlighting how they enjoyed activities together during his childhood.
“I used to go to the toy store and get as excited as my son. I would take him to Disneyland and go mad on the rides with him,” Shalini said. She also introduced Robin to various hobbies like skating, skiing, and scuba diving. “For the longest time, he used to call me by my name, and it is only now that he addresses me as his mom,” she added with a smile.