Rautu Ka Raaz review: Much like life in the hills where everything moves at a relaxed pace, 'Rautu Ka Raaz' follows suit. It unfolds leisurely, with a slow and deliberate pace that mirrors the laid-back investigation of a murder. However, this slowness is intriguing and engaging, keeping you hooked. The excellent performances by Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Rajesh Kumar further elevate the experience. 


Set in the quaint locale of Rautu Ki Beli in Uttarakhand, the story revolves around the murder of a hostel warden at a school. Initially, it's presumed she died in her sleep. The police are called in, and they too believe it to be a natural death at first. However, as secrets unravel, the true story emerges.  

How is the film 

This is an honest and clean film that moves at its own pace. There's no loud music, no over-the-top heroics, and no dramatic dialogues. Yet, it wins your heart. The slow revelation of secrets and characters during the murder investigation keeps the interest alive. Nothing shockingly dramatic happens, but not all films need to be that way. Sometimes, it's enjoyable to watch a laid-back film, and this one is a pleasant experience. While some aspects might seem implausible or illegal, these are attributed to creative liberty. 


Nawazuddin Siddiqui plays SHO Deepak Negi, a character described multiple times by elderly locals in the film as both sharp and strange. Negi is indeed peculiar, and Nawazuddin does full justice to this role, portraying it with the simplicity and authenticity of a mountain man. His performance is impressive and relatable. Rajesh Kumar, as SI Naresh Prabhakar, is equally entertaining. His character suits him well, and his comic punches add a delightful touch to the film, complementing Nawaz's performance. The supporting cast also delivers commendable performances. 


Anand Surapur has directed this film, and it’s evident that he understands the peace and simplicity of the mountains. Watching this film is like taking a trip to Uttarakhand. Surapur demonstrates that even a murder mystery can be crafted with a laid-back approach. Although some comedy punches are weak and certain instances of forced humour are unnecessary, these are minor flaws. 

'Rautu Ka Raaz' is a delightful watch. 

Rating: 3/5