Tribhuvan Mishra CA Topper: The comedy series ‘Tribhuvan Mishra CA Topper,’ which debuted on Netflix in July, has been making waves. In a recent exclusive interview with ABP Ent Live, the star cast shared their experiences and insights about the show. 

Manav Kaul's reaction after listening to the story

When asked about his initial reaction upon hearing the series' title and storyline, lead actor Manav Kaul said, "The moment I heard the story, a certain glow filled my eyes, and I was extremely happy. After reading just two episodes, I literally jumped out of my seat." 

About preparing for the intimate scenes in the series, Kaul explained, "Even though there are many intimate scenes, it feels like they are not a major part of the series. They are necessary for a character's survival. These scenes were shot very meticulously and thoughtfully, and I had full trust in the team." 

Messages from his mother 

Kaul also shared, "My mother sent me some messages that her friends had sent her, stating how important it was to have a show addressing women's sexual preferences in a non-obscene manner." 

Why the series was set in Noida

When asked about choosing the right city to depict such a story, screenwriter Puneet Krishna said, "I wanted a city where characters could roam with a gun and where people come looking for jobs. Noida seemed like the perfect place for this." 

Shweta Basu Prasad on her role in the series 

Actress Shweta Basu Prasad, who plays a pivotal role, recalled her first reaction upon hearing the story: "I looked at Puneet and thought how could someone so cute write such a story. Moreover, my character, Shobha, intrigued me because she appears very different from who she actually is." 

Music composition in record time 

Music composer Ram Sampath, who added a musical flair to the series, revealed how he composed and delivered music for the series in a remarkably short time. "We created 11 songs for the series in just three weeks," he said. 

The series plot 

'Tribhuvan Mishra CA Topper' follows the story of a CA topper struggling with financial difficulties. Despite his banking career experience, he ends up working as a sex worker. The series features Manav Kaul, Tilotama Shome, Shweta Basu Prasad, and Ashok Pathak in key roles.