New Delhi: The eighth season of Karan Johar hosted celebrity chat show 'Koffee With Karan' came to an end this week. During the final episode of the season, Tanmay Bhat, Danish Sait, Sumukhi Suresh, and Kusha Kapila were present as Karan presented the Koffee awards. In addition to becoming the jury for the Koffee awards, the guests cast their votes for some of the season's greatest moments and performances. While presenting Rani Mukerji and Kajol with the "best moment" trophy for this season, Karan casually acknowledged that he is Poo.

One of the prize categories was the rapid fire round, which is sometimes regarded as the most exciting part of the show. Saif Ali Khan and Ananya Panday shared the title of "Best rapid fire." When Karan phoned Ananya, she was surprised because, in her episode with Sara Ali Khan, she had lost the rapid fire round. She stated, "I want to thank a certain 'boy Kapur' for that."


Based on the season's top five episodes in terms of ratings, there were five nominees for the title of "Best episode" of the season. The episodes with Rani Mukerji and Kajol, Varun Dhawan and Sidharth Malhotra, Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, and Kareena Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were up against one other, and the panel decided that the episode with Rani Mukerji and Kajol was the best of the season. A special jury prize was granted to the episode starring Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh. "In my history of Koffee with Karan, there has never been a moment where I felt so real. I felt like the cameras were not rolling and something truly came out, like it was cathartic for me in a weird way,” Karan said.

The host contacted Kareena to announce that Saif Ali Khan had won the "Best performance-male" award. Kareena began the call by threatening to "block" Karan. Kareena felt more at ease when Karan promptly intervened and clarified that this had to do with the Koffee awards. Often referred to as "brave," Deepika Padukone's appearance won the title of "Best performance—female" of the season. Varun Dhawan ultimately took home the "Best Koffee Burn" trophy for the season, having called Karan "Komolika" and "Karan Johar ghar-tode."


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