New Delhi: 'The Great Indian Kapil Show' will see the star cast and filmmaker of 'Amar Singh Chamkila' on their show. The episode which will stream on April 13, 2024 on Netflix will see Diljit Dosanjh, Parineeti Chopra and Imtiaz Ali on board. In a promo clip of the epsiode that has been doing the rounds on social media, we see a rather hilarious encounter between Imtiaz Ali, Kapil Sharma and Diljit Dosanjh in the middle of the show.
Kapil Sharma Taking A Dig At Diljit Dosanjh
In a video snippet that was shared by the official page of the show as well as by Kapil Sharma himself, we see Imtiaz Ali talk about the environment in Punjab on most evenings.
When Imtiaz Ali says, "Sham ke waqt Punjab mein na, thoda se log mood mein aa jate hai ( People in Punjab, in evenings, get into a mood of relaxation)," to which Dosanjh immediately added, "aksar hi log sham ko mood mein aa jate hai ( usually, everywhere, people get into the mood in evenings)."
Immediately after the comment, Kapil Sharma quips in, "Punjabi ka khoon khaul gaya hai, defend kar raha hai" ( This Punjabi has got offended, he is defending now) which made everyone laugh.
Dafli promotes Amar Singh Chamkila in a hilarious manner
In the same episode, we also see Dafli welcome Diljit, Imtiaz and Parineeti in a special way. Sunil Grover, who plays the caricature Dafli, promotes the Chamkila biopic in a funny way.
Sunil, dressed as a woman Dafli, asks the live musician for, "voh dena( give me that)" almost to suggest a tune, however, as the musician plays the part, Dafli immediately interrupts and says, "garam pani dena ( give me some hot water)' leaving everyone a fit of laughter.
Take a look
'The Great Indian Kapil Show' streams on Netflix every Saturday at 8:00 PM.