New Delhi: Social media sensation Orry, aka Orhan Awatramani, appeared on the season finale of the celebrity chat show 'Koffee With Karan'. Orry didn’t shy away from answering any question posed by the host Karan Johar and gave no-filter answers in his style. Orry spoke about a lot of things ranging from his fame to hiring three doppelgangers to his equation with Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor. 

Here’s everything that Orry shared while sitting on the Koffee couch: 

On planning his downfall 
When asked about his fame, Orry had a rather strange answer to the question. Karan Johar asked him, “When the Orry sensation began, you began to leverage it. You were called to Bigg Boss; now you are on Koffee with Karan. Is there a fear that this is like your ‘15 minutes of fame? Is that like one day the flowers will stop coming and one day the followers will stop following? Is there that fear that eats into you, or do you live in the moment?” 

He replied, “I am not an actor, so I consider my life the movie I am acting in. When you see me on pap pages and on screen, that is the story I am telling. I am in the comment section, reading every review of the image. When everyone’s like, ‘15 minutes of fame’, ‘this will end’, ‘he will vanish’, ‘the fame is getting to his head’. Yes, the fame is getting to my head. Yes, I have an attitude problem now. I think I am better than everyone. I am planning my own downfall now.” 

“The time has come; anything that goes up has to go down. The brightest stars burn out the fastest. In the Orry office, we have a room called the relevance room, where all my minions, who have to dress up as me and think as me, are Orry 2, Orry 3, or Orry 4. They pitch ideas on how to keep me relevant; that's how I stay in the news. This is the hustle. Right now, we are planning my downfall. Then we will make a comeback,” he added. 

On hiring three Doppelgangers: 
On being present everywhere he said, “I am everywhere and I take great pride in being Orry the omnipresent. But sometimes, people forget that I'm not actually a mystical creature and I can't actually be everywhere. So, we do have the lookalikes that have to be sent out to hold the fort until I arrive. So, there will be an Orry lookalike who'll be at the event, and you'll think it's me for the first 20 minutes, till I actually get from Nariman Point to BKC... We all wear the same outfits, we have the same look. They just won't talk, because the minute they talk, it goes away. I have three silent doppelgangers. They have to be sent out to hold base until I arrive. They pose and dress like me but they don't talk.” 

Crediting Boney Kapoor for bringing him to the limelight 
“If you want to blame someone, blame Boney Kapoor. Blame him. Because the first time I got the limelight, it was his fault. I was attending his daughter’s birthday, and when I entered the gate, the media was like, click, click, click… And Boney uncle, being the gentleman that he is, had come down to receive me. I was so shy, I was shaking. I told him, ‘Boney uncle, they were calling my name’. And he was like, ‘Did you pose?’ And I said I didn’t. He grabbed me by the wrist and flung me in front of the media, and said, ‘Yeh Orry hai, iska photo lo, yeh mera bachcha hai (This is Orry, he’s like my son, take his picture)’. The match was always there, and so was the gunpowder, and Boney just lit it. And now I’m on Koffee, so I should write him a cheque.” 

When Kajol declined to pose with him for a picture 
My first job, when I was in college in New York, was for the usher position, a highly sought-after position at the Children Should Wash Their Hands Conference. Not many people know this; I was Usher number 3 to Kajol, and she probably doesn't know this. This was in 2013 in New York, I think at The Pierre.”  He further mentioned, "She was giving this speech and I asked her security for a humble photo and I was declined.”