Bigg Boss OTT Season 3: Chandrika Gera Dixit, popularly known as ‘Vada Pav Girl’, has been announced as the first confirmed contestant for the third season of Bigg Boss OTT. Recently, Chandrika was spotted at Mumbai airport, and it sparked rumours of her being a part of the upcoming season of Bigg Boss OTT, which is being hosted by Anil Kapoor. She rose to fame after a video of her selling vada pav at a stall in Delhi went viral on social media.
The makers of the show shared the news on the official X (formerly Twitter) handle. The caption read, "Who's the first contestant of #BiggBossOTT3? Head over to #JioCinemaPremiun to get a sneak peek of this #TeekhiMirchi. Bigg Boss OTT 3 streaming exclusively on JioCinema Premium starting 21 June, 9 pm."
Chandrika was first featured in a video shared on food vlogger Amit Jindal’s channel. Reportedly, she quit her job at Haldiram’s after her son was diagnosed with dengue. A particular video of Chandrika, in which she was seen crying and talking on the phone, was widely circulated on Instagram. In the clip, she claimed that the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) was asking for money from her to keep selling from her cart.
The upcoming season of Bigg Boss OTT will be hosted by Anil Kapoor. The actor replaced Salman Khan as the host. Alongside Chandrika, Harshad Chopda, Shehzada Dhami, Cheshta Bhagat, Nikhil Mehta, and Vishal Pandey are likely to appear as contestants. Divya Agarwal bagged the winner trophy in Bigg Boss OTT 1, while Elvish Yadav won a cash prize of Rs 25 lakh.
Bigg Boss OTT 3 will be streaming on JioCinema starting June 21. The first episode will air at 9 p.m.