Anil Kapoor is set to host the upcoming season of ‘Bigg Boss OTT’. The seasoned actor has replaced host and actor Salman Khan in season 3 of the reality show. Kapoor will be making his hosting debut on the celebrity reality show. In a recent promo released by JioCinema, the actor was seen analysing the most viral episodes from the Bigg Boss series.
Anil Kapoor reacts to Bigg Boss viral clips
In the video, Anil Kapoor is seen watching Pooja Mishra throw a dustbin in Bigg Boss season 5. The actor paused the clip to mention that he wouldn't tolerate this kind of behaviour. Next, he watched Shehnaaz Gill's iconic "Saada kutta Tommy" clip. In another video, a contestant threw a bucket of water on Rakhi Sawant.
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The host of Bigg Boss OTT pointed out the viral video of Karishma Tanna rubbing red chilies on Gautam Gulati and said that in the new season, people will get more hurt. In the promo, he also spoke the famous dialogue from the Ranbir Kapoor starrer ‘Animal’: “Sunai de raha hai, behra nahi hoon main (I can hear, I am not deaf).”
About Bigg Boss OTT
In the new season of Bigg Boss OTT, Harshad Chopda, Shehzada Dhami, Cheshta Bhagat, Nikhil Mehta, Vishal Pandey, and Chandrika Dixit are likely to appear as contestants. The second season was hosted by Salman Khan, while Karan Johar was the host of the first season of Bigg Boss OTT. Divya Agarwal bagged the winner trophy in Bigg Boss OTT 1, while Elvish Yadav won a cash prize of Rs 25 lakh.
Bigg Boss OTT 3 will be streaming on JioCinema starting June 21. The first episode will air at 9 p.m.