New Delhi: Bigg Boss OTT 2 premiered on June 17 with contestants like Akanksha Puri, Aaliya Siddiqui , Cyrus Broacha, Avinash Schdeva and more. Pooja Bhatt as a contestant was a surprise for the audience and her participation also piqued the interest even more. On the second day,  the contestants were seen warming up to each other and sharing details about their life. Pooja Bhatt spoke about her battle with alcoholism at the age of 44 and then her journey to sobriety. 
Pooja was seen talking to co-contestant Cyrus Broacha and said: "I had a drinking problem, and that's why I acknowledged my addiction and made the decision to quit." 
She then spoke about how she was labelled as an "alcoholic" by people and how she tackled that. “People used to call me an alcoholic but then I said I’m a recovering alcoholic,” she said. 

Pooja was heard saying that men get the license by the society and hence, freely talk about being "addicted and recovering from alcoholism." 

“Society gives a license to men and thus they can openly speak about being addicted and recovering from alcoholism. However, women don't openly drink and so they don't openly recover. I used to drink openly so when I thought of recovering from alcoholism I realised that why should I recover in the closet? People used to call me an alcoholic but then I said I'm a recovering alcoholic," she explained. 

Pooja mentioned that she stopped drinking at the age of 44. 

Pooja has openly spoken about her battle with alcoholism. Recalling the tim when she decided to quit, the actor had once told PTI, "It was Christmas when I finally decide to pull the plug. I sat with my four cats, put my phone on the silent mode, made myself dinner, toasted myself with a glass of water and went to bed. I survived it. And I realised that this is the best gift I could ever give to myself. Soon, I survived the New Year also. Yes, it was tough. And what is also tough is explaining people why you are not drinking, especially on New Years Eve."

'Bigg Boss OTT 2’, hosted by Salman Khan, airs on Jio Cinema.