New Delhi: TVF makers unveiled the trailer of the second season of the highly anticipated TVF drama Aspirants today. The second season follows the events of season one as the audience-favourite trio of Abhilash, Guri and SK navigate the harrowing challenges of clearing the IAS competitive exam. Created by The Viral Fever and directed by Apoorv Singh Karki, the new season will see a return of its acclaimed ensemble cast including Naveen Kasturia, Sunny Hinduja, Shivankit Singh Parihar, Abhilash Thapliyal and Namita Dubey.
Switching between past and present, the dual narrative showcased in the trailer promises an exciting new season. With double the challenges, the three IAS aspirants come closer to the end of their back-breaking journey, alongside senior aspirant Sandeep Bhaiyya, who faces struggles of his own. Abhilash who has become an IAS officer tries to balance the lines of right and wrong at work while hoping to keep his cherished friendships afloat.
As love, career, friendship, ambition and dreams are all put on line, the trio of Abhilash, SK and Guri need to be stronger than ever to navigate between pre, mains and life.
“Aspirants season 2 is not just a continuation of an incredible journey, but proof to the unwavering spirit of determination and resilience. I am delighted to be back as Abhilash, a character that challenges me as an actor everytime I get into the skin of it. This season we explore the lives of those chasing their dreams, facing new challenges head-on while embarking on a rollercoaster of emotions, laughter, and inspiration”, said actor Naveen Kasturia.
“This season is an exciting journey that reveals the raw realities, joys, and heartaches of those aspiring to make their mark. The expedition continues, and this time, it's about pushing boundaries and embracing the power of self-belief. I am happy that our labour of love, Aspirants will now be streaming on Prime Video that gives us a chance to reach a wide range of audience globally”, commented actor Sunny Hinduja.
Aspirants Season 2 will premiere worldwide on October 25 on Prime Video.