New Delhi: On the occasion of National Doctors Day, Ayushmann Khurrana and the cast and crew of Doctor G reveal a new look of the actor from the film Doctor G, which is being produced by Junglee Pictures. In this campus comedy-drama, which is directed by Anubhuti Kashyap and also stars Rakul Preet and the seasoned actress Shefali Shah, Ayushmann plays the part of a gynaecologist for the first time.
This National Doctors Day, Ayushmann Khurrana wishes all the committed doctors who have devoted their lives to helping others all the best. Celebrating this day, he has also given his fans a sneak peek at the most anticipated question, what does ‘G’ in Doctor G stand for?
Taking to the social media, Junglee Pictures shared Ayushmann's latest look from the film and wrote:
G se Gynecologist
G se Gupta
That’s our #DoctorG
Doctor Uday Gupta aka #DoctorG and team ki taraf se wishing all the G se Genius doctors a #HappyDoctorsDay
The makers behind the film ‘Doctor G’ are excited to celebrate the occasion by releasing a brand-new still featuring Ayushmann Khurrana in his role as the titular character in the movie. The movie is one of the most eagerly awaited of Ayushmann Khurrana's endeavors.
Alongside the release of Doctor G, Junglee Pictures has an amazing line-up of films planned for release in 2022. Some of these films include ‘Woh Ladki Hai Kahaan?,’ ‘Dosa King,’ ‘Ulajh,’ and ‘Click Shankar,’ to mention just a few.
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