Shah Rukh Khan starrer ‘Zero’ trailer has managed to build up excitement for the film and it is already making waves on social media. The trailer launch was kept on SRK’s 53rd birthday and it was the perfect return gift for the fans. King Khan was joined by his two loving ladies Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma at the event in Mumbai and being the goofball he is, he stole Katrina’s cool denim jacket, saying- "khoobsurti chhupi nahi rehni chahiye". The three Bollywood celebs were seen in a jolly mood and they, specially our birthday boy, gave some interesting answers.

A reporter asked Shah Rukh to name cricketers whom he though get out on zero quite often. The ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ actor quickly said, "Don't you know with whom I'm sitting. Mrs Cricketer ke saath hu main. Sharam nahi aati aise sawaal karne ko?" It’s quite obvious that the ‘My Name Is Khan’ actor was hinting towards Anushka Sharma, who is married to our Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli.

Well that’s how you dodge a question, isn’t it ‘King of Romance’?

Indeed, Shah Rukh Khan was at his wittiest best during the trailer launch event of Zero.

Check out the video right here!

Talking about the trailer, Shah Rukh Khan plays a vertically challenged man while Anushka Sharma is essaying the role of a specially-abled girl. The trailer gave us a glimpse of the short-lived love story of Bauua Singh (SRK) and Aafia Yusufzai Bhinder (Anushka).

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SRK at 'Zero' trailer launch: REACTS on Deepika-Ranveer & Priyanka-Nick's Weddings!