Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who launched the trailer of  'Zero'[Watch trailer!] on his 53rd birthday Friday, said he came to know about Aanand L Rai's film from his good friend Salman Khan. Shah Rukh plays the role of a vertically-challenged person in the film, which is set to be released on December 21.

Zero trailer REACTION: SRK gets a thumbs up as Bauua Singh from FANS & CELEBS!

"It's not true that he (Rai) asked a lot of people... Salman had actually called me and said, "Abe ek picture hai yaar..toh.. tere ko kar de" [there's this film, do it.] The reason he came and did that song was because of this. He wanted to be a part of the film," Shah Rukh told reporters at trailer launch.

(With inputs added in PTI copy)