New Delhi: The highly anticipated film ‘Zara Hatke Zara Bachke’ starring Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan opened this past Friday to rave reviews. The unique pairing in Laxman Utekar's romantic comedy helped it gain a lot of buzz. Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan provide outstanding performances in this film. Zara Hatke Zara Bachke's box office debut was promising since audiences were hungry for a different film to see besides ‘The Kerala Story’. Although the movie got off to a poor start in the morning, it gathered up steam in the afternoon and collected Rs 5.49 crores on Friday.

According to data compiled by Sacnilk, Laxman Utekar-directed film’s Friday box office occupancy was 19.64%. There is a risk that the film's audience will be split between it and ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’. On its first day of release in India on Thursday, ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ made Rs 4.20 cr.

Trade analyst and film critic Taran Adarsh shared the opening box office collection of the movie and wrote, "#ZaraHatkeZaraBachke takes off on Day 1… Silences naysayers and pessimists, who had predicted [below] ₹ 2 cr start… Got a boost due to Buy-1-Get-1 free ticket offer + affordable ticket pricing, which has given its biz the required push… Fri ₹ 5.49 cr. #India biz."

ABPLive review of the movie reads, “The story of 'Zara Hatke Zara Bachke' is set in Indore and looks well designed too, especially with the use of Indori lingo, Poha jokes and whatnot. All characters fit into the middle-class setup of the small township. It is a light-hearted comedy film at face value. An entertainer that will bring audiences to theatre, is a paisa vasool weekend watch, for the sake of good old times when romantic comedy dramas were done right.”