Mumbai: Bollywood actress Yami Gautam tied the knot with director Aditya Dhar in an intimate ceremony on June 4, 2021. Days after her wedding with the ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’ director, reports are doing rounds that the actress has been cast in Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi’s upcoming movie ‘Oh My God 2’.

‘Oh My God 2’ is the sequel of the 2012 superhit film ‘Oh My God’ where Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal played the lead roles. Mithun Chakraborty also played a pivotal role in the movie.

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‘Oh My God 2’ will be directed by Amit Rai reportedly and will feature Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi in the lead roles. He has directed movies like ‘Road To Sangam’ and others. The audience is eagerly waiting for the release of this film. This is the first time that Yami Gautam and Akshay Kumar will be seen together.

The shooting of ‘Oh My God 2’ will reportedly commence from September 2021. Earlier it was supposed to be done in the month of May-June, but got delayed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

According to reports, talks have been held with Pankaj Tripathi and everything has been decided. Also, the pre-production work of the movie has already begun and the team is looking for a suitable shooting location and is in talks to design the set of the film in the city.

Other than ‘Oh My God 2’, Yami Gautam will also be seen featuring in 'Dasvi', 'Bhoot Police' and 'A Thursday'.

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