The makers of her Malayalam film released a sneak peek of the movie, directed by Omar Lulu, showing Priya in an intimate lip-lock with her co-star Roshan Abdul Rahoof while in school premises.
The clip, which was released on February 6, has over 1,958,501 views on YouTube, but has gained over 50,000 dislikes on the video streaming site.
Users took to the comment section and wrote that they are waiting for a million dislikes for the one-minute video. A user wrote: "What the hell? Is this romance or cheap hot explicit clip for promoting the movie?"
Another labelled the teaser as "sexual content". One even urged to "ban" the film as it would "spoil" school children if they watch the movie.
The actress shot to fame with her 'wink and fire gun' kiss scene from the film last year, which resulted in Priya, 19, amassing over a million followers on social media.
Prirya is all set to make her Bollywood debut with the upcoming film 'Sridevi Bungalow' directed by Prasanth Mambully.