Mumbai: Filmmaker Karan Johar's children Yash and Roohi don't like their 'dadda's' style and want him to dress in "simple clothes". Karan on Wednesday took to Instagram, where he shared a video of him and his children touring his walk-in closet.

In the video, Karan is heard saying: "Wow, Roohi, Yash we are in dadda's closet. Roohi do you like dadda's clothes?"
A playful Roohi says: "No."

Karan then asks Yash: "Yash, what should dadda wear then?" Pat comes the reply from Yash saying: "Simple clothes".

Karan captioned the video: "In the closet for now!!! And they have an opinion!!! #lockdownwithejohars."

Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor took to the comment section, where he wrote: "I agree with Yash. Give us a simple look." Sanjay Kapoor said: "Haha. Simple clothes."

(Source- Instagram)

Megastar Amitabh Bachchan replied: "Haha. This is the best."

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