When Big B picked up a broom
Mumbai: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Saturday picked up a broom here to acknowledge the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in Maharashtra.
According to a report, Amitabh led the way in the mission to clean up the area around Mumbai's JJ Hospital."At Maha Cleanathon to acknowledge the Swachh Bharat campaign in Maharashtra, and to work so many others follow," Big B tweeted on Saturday. In some of the images shared by ndtv.com, Amitabh, wearing a white kurta and pyjama along with a blue waistcoat, can be seen helping clean up garbage with his bare hands, holding a broom and sweeping the road. "You are praising me for picking up trash with my bare hands but there's nothing special about it. Our sanitation workers don't always have gloves," Amitabh said in an interview to the channel. "When you see someone littering. Go stop them. Tell them what they are doing is wrong. When you keep doing this repeatedly, people will change," he added.T 2368 - At #MahaCleanathon to acknowledge the Swachch Bharat campaign in Maharashtra, and to work so many others follow ..
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) September 3, 2016
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Saswat PanigrahiSaswat Panigrahi is a multimedia journalist