Mumbai: Bollywood actresses Esha Deol, Soha Ali Khan are enjoying their motherhood as the divas recently were blessed with a child. Now there were strong speculations that Bipasha Basu, who is married to Karan Singh Grover, is pregnant and all set to welcome a new guest in the family.
But actress Bipasha Basu opened up on Wednesday and denied she is pregnant.
Bipasha, who is married to actor Karan Singh Grover, responded to pregnancy speculation via Twitter.
"Amused yet again. I kept a bag on my lap while getting into my car and certain media people started my pregnancy speculation again. Guys, I am not pregnant. Kind of getting irritating. Stay calm. It will happen only when we want it," Bipasha tweeted.
Bipasha and Karan, who starred together in the film "Alone" in 2015, tied the knot in 2016. Even it's been 2 years that they are married, couple is madly in love with each other.
Check out some of the pictures of Bipasha and Karan: