New Delhi: The power packed trailer of Banjo is out. The Riteish Deshmukh- Nargis Fakhri starrer Banjo’s teaser shows Riteish in a shoulder length rockstar hairdo, headbanging to Banjo riffs and dancing spinning. You can also see a Ganpati song sequence in the trailer. Abhishek Bachchan can be heard in the trailer as he introduces Riteish as ‘Banjo ki duniya ka Bachchan’
What reports tell us is that Nargis plays the role of a DJ from New York, presently in Mumbai. She can be seen in various get ups. Riteish is the star of the movie and it will be really interesting to watch him in that role.
Banjo is produced by Krishika Lull, and made under the Eros International banner. It will be released on Sep 23.