New Delhi: Vidhu Vinod Chopra took the nation by the storm with his latest directorial '12th Fail'. The film starring Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankar came in as the biggest surprise hit of the year and is amongst one of the monstrous success of the year 2023. The film released on October 27th, 2023 has opened with the extraordinary response.

The Vidhu Vinod Chopra-directed movie, which was just screened at the Asia-Europe Young Film Festival, is still receiving a ton of love and admiration. The film met with a wonderful response from the audiences at the film festival who even endowed it with a standing ovation.

Sharing the glimpse of the screening event, Vidhu Vinod Chopra wrote on social media by captioning, "Here’s a look at #12thFail’s warm reception at the Asia-Europe Young Cinema Festival (Macau)."

The crew was genuinely thrilled when the movie screened at the prestigious film festival, and filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra and other significant participants came.

Following its victorious run in cinema halls, the film also got a massive response on its digital release.

The love and praise 12th Fail is receiving from the masses demonstrates that nothing can stop the content from shining in the world and ruling the hearts of the audience. The film broke the barriers, redefined the term, and restored audiences' trust in the extraordinary material.

12th Fail, based on a true story, draws from the struggles of the millions of students who attempt the UPSC entrance exam. But at the same time, it goes beyond that one exam and encourages people to not lose heart in the face of failure and to restart.