New Delhi: Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor will be seen together in Nitesh Tiwari’s directorial ‘Bawaal’. The film is set to premiere on Prime Video India on July 21. During the shoot of the film, Varun Dhawan purposely chose not to talk to his co-star, Janhvi Kapoor, for the first month.  

In a recent interview with Galatta Plus, Varun revealed that he wanted to maintain a certain distance from Janhvi to enhance the chemistry between their characters in the movie. He believed that by not interacting too much off-camera, they would have a more genuine and natural connection while filming scenes that required an emotional depth. 

Varun explained that he intentionally decided to be aloof and cold towards Janhvi, not engaging in personal conversations with her, while still being friendly and communicative with the rest of the cast and crew. He hoped that this approach would evoke a certain response from both of them and create a unique dynamic during the filming process. However, Janhvi initially took Varun's behavior personally, not understanding the reason behind his distant approach. It took nearly 20 days before Varun revealed his strategy to Janhvi and explained his thought process. Once she understood the purpose behind his actions, she realized that it was all part of Varun's attempt to establish a connection that would align with their characters' journeys in the film. 

“Initially, at least for the first one month we went on set, I tried this thing where I said I won't communicate with her much. Because I felt we'll become friends like this (snaps). I said let me not, and let me be a little aloof, a little cold. I'll talk to everyone else but her, and purposely. I felt it might evoke something in her and something in me when we were doing scenes of that nature. (Nitesh) Sir was on this. And then eventually, I told her after 20 days. Then she realised it, otherwise she took it personally. See, I did it selfishly but I think it helped both of us at that time. Actually, in the film, how gradually the couple got to know each other, we also got to know each other gradually, which was interesting,”  he told Galatta Plus. 

Nitesh Tiwari, the director of 'Bawaal,' seemed supportive of Varun's approach. He mentioned in the interview that as long as he got the desired shots and performances, he didn't mind the actors' individual processes or where they came from. Nitesh acknowledged that Varun's method had worked for the film and fulfilled his creative vision. 

'Bawaal' is a romantic film set in the heartland of India. The story takes viewers on a unique journey through Europe, combining elements of love and personal growth. The film is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under his banner Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment.