New Delhi: Actress Triptii Dimri, who became famous for her performance in Animal, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, recently spoke about the film's reception and her choice to star in it. The performance of Triptii garnered a lot of appreciation, even though she didn't have much screen time in the Ranbir Kapoor starrer. On the other hand, the film was met with criticism from some people who saw it as "anti-feminist."
According to Triptii, who recently discussed these labels in an interview with Filmfare, she never viewed the film in that light. She said, “I didn’t look at it as an anti-feminist film. I don’t give such tags to films. Even while doing Bulbbul and Qala, I never thought I was doing a feminist film. I connected with the characters, had faith in the directors and felt I should do it."
Triptii Dimri Defends Her Role in 'Animal'
Triptii discussed her strategy for tackling difficult parts, including her choice to appear in ‘Animal’, which was a departure from her prior depictions of more likeable characters. The actress said, “Even when Animal was offered to me, I met Sandeep sir and he didn’t tell me much about the story, he explained my character. To me, what was exciting was that I have only done goody and nice person roles – who get sympathy at the end – till now, and I felt this was a nice space to be in where I do this character."
Triptii portrayed a mysterious figure in ‘Animal’, working as an informer for Ranbir Kapoor. She decided to accept the part because she found the character interesting and fulfilling.
She added, “He (Sandeep Reddy Vanga) told me something very interesting. He wanted to see innocence and kindness in my eyes but inside I should have that mission in my heart, that I want to accomplish. How do I get there, that was my job. I found it challenging and interesting, that’s what made me say yes."