‘Kapoor & Sons’ actor Fawad Khan and his wife Sadaf became proud parents of a cute baby-girl on 1st October 2016. Since then, there was no glimpse of the cute little toddler named Elayna. But, the fans wait has finally come to an end as Fawad’s wife Sadaf has, recently, shared a heartwarming picture of daughter Elayna with Fawad on Instagram.

Fawad Khan

HOTNESS OVERLOADED! Fawad Khan’s latest PHOTOSHOOT will leave girls drooling! Inside PICS

The adorable photo shows Fawad holding his Elayna in his arms. Check out the adorable photo HERE:

SEE PICS: TV actress Shweta Tiwari FINALLY shows her BABY BOY Reyansh’s angel face; YRKKH’s Naira aka Shivangi Joshi plays with the NEWBORN!

After making a mark in Bollywood with films like ‘Khoobsurat’ and ‘Kapoor And Sons’, Fawad was last seen in Karan Johar’s ‘Ae Dil Hai Muhskil’ in which he shared the screen with Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma.