New Delhi: 'The Nun', which is the fifth film of the 'Conjuring' series, has earned a total of Rs 28.50 crore in its opening weekend in India. Film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to Twitter to announce that the earnings came from 1603 screens across India. He even credited the film to be the best opening of the 'Conjuring' franchise.
Adarsh wrote, "#TheNun? ?emerges the franchise's best opener... Biz went slightly down on Sun [vis-a-vis Sat], but has packed a strong total in its opening weekend... Thu previews 30 lakhs, Fri 8 cr, Sat 10.20 cr, Sun 10 cr. Total: ? 28.50 cr Nett BOC [1603 screens]. India biz. All versions."
The Nun box office
The movie is set in 1952 Romania where a Catholic priest and a novice are sent by the Vatican to investigate a suicide committed by a nun.