New Delhi: Bollywood actress Swara Bhasker and her boyfriend Himanshu Sharma have parted ways after being in a relationship for several years. The news of their break-up shocked the industry and fans. Swara and Himanshu decided to call it quits after dating each other for five years. Although, the two have not confirmed their break-up, a report in a leading daily said that they ended things on good terms and their families are aware of the decision.

"The break-up was amicable and happened recently after much deliberation. They are still on talking terms and their respective families are aware of their decision," a source told Mumbai Mirror.

Swara and Himanshu’s break up several eyeballs, setting several tongues wagging. Gossip mills are now buzzing with the rumours that marriage was the main reason why the two parted ways on amicable note.

A report in an entertainment portal suggested that trouble in their paradise started when Swara asked Himanshu about marriage.

The ‘Veere Di Wedding’ actress decided to end the relationship when Himanshu told him that marriage was not on his mind, atleast not in near future. Swara was surprised and she chose to end things, the report in SpotboyE said.

Swara and Himanshu were often spotted together and the actress even shared pictures with him on social media.

Swara and Himanshu reportedly started dating while working on ‘Tanu Weds Manu Returns’. Himanshu Sharma was the writer of films like ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ and ‘Raanjhanaa’, in which Swara played supporting roles.

On the professional front, Swara Bhasker will be next seen in ‘Sheer Khurma. The film, to be directed by Faraz Arif Ansari, will also feature Divya Dutta. Just like Sonam Kapoor’s ‘Ek Ladki Ko Dekha To Aisa Laga’, ‘Sheer Khurma’ will also be based on same sex love.

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