On Tuesday, it came to light that Sushant Singh Rajput's father KK Singh had filed an FIR at the Rajiv Nagar police station in Patna accusing six people, including his girlfriend Rhea, for abetment to suicide.

And the latest update in the ongoing case is that Sushant Singh Rajput’s family has filed a caveat in Supreme Court after Rhea Chakraborty, moved the apex court on Wednesday.

The family sought that Rhea’s petition not be allowed to be heard "ex-parte" in their counter petition. The family’s lawyer Vikas Singh will be present in the court for the proceedings, states a report in Republic.

No CBI inquiry for Sushant’s death case: Maharashtra Government

Meanwhile, Vikas Singh had also said that if Rhea had moved the apex court, she should have filed a petition seeking CBI investigation.

Vikas Singh told PTI, “If she (Rhea) has moved the apex court, she should have filed a petition seeking CBI investigation. FIR is registered in Patna, now she (Rhea) has filed a petition in Supreme Court seeking stay and transfer of investigation to Mumbai. Isse jyada kya proof chahiye ki (what more proof is needed that) somebody in Mumbai Police is helping her.”

On the other hand, Rhea’s lawyer Satish Maneshinde had informed on Wednesday that they had filed a writ petition in the Supreme Court, seeking a transfer of the investigation to Mumbai. They claimed that the investigation by Mumbai Police, was still pending.