New Delhi: Sushant Singh Rajput’s demise has stirred up debates on nepotism and insider vs outsider in Bollywood. Kangana Ranaut, who put the spotlight on nepotism in the film industry, has now shared an explosive video on social media. The ‘Manikarnika’ actress has slammed all the blind items, which spoke about Sushant in a bad light. She also questioned why such articles are never written about the star kids.

WATCH: Mourning Sushant Singh Rajput’s Tragic Death, Kangana Ranaut BLASTS Bollywood For Double Standards, 'Sanjay Dutt Ki Addiction...'

Kangana pointed out some of the blind items which were written by publications in the past. She started off her video by quoting what Sushant’s father said about his state. His father had said the ‘Raabta’ actor was disturbed due to the happenings in the industry. The ‘Panga’ actress also quoted ‘Kedarnath’ director Abhishek Kapoor and Sushant’s former girlfriend Ankita Lokhande, who said that the ‘Pavitra Rishta’ actor couldn't handle the insults that came his way.

The ‘Panga’ actress cited four blind items and spoke about how such articles are written in a manner so that the publications don’t face any legal action. She added that these articles give full description about the actor/actress but without taking names.

Kangana’s team posted the video along with the caption, “Emotional, psychological, and mental lynching on an individual happens openly and we all are all guilty of watching it silently. Is blaming the system enough? Will there ever be change? Are we going to see a monumental shift in the narrative on how outsiders are treated?”

Check out the video!

The hashtag #CBIEnquiryForSushant trended on Twitter and several fans shared Kangana's clip while posting  tweets. One user wrote, "As usual the only actress, who is using her voice to bring justice to Sushant, keep spreading and retweeting the word. Kangana is a gem, protect her at all costs."

Kangana earlier took a dig at awards shows for failing to acknowledge Sushant's work in his movies. She questioned the film industry for not giving due credit to the 'Shudh Desi Romance' actor.

Also READ: Post Sushant Singh Rajput's Demise, Kangana Ranaut Reveals She Was Threatened And Told That Eventually She Would Commit Suicide

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