Some reports also suggested that Mumbai Police has summoned Kangana Ranaut and the actress will record her statement once she returns to Mumbai. Kangana’s team has denied receiving any formal summon from the police in connection with Sushant’s case.
Also READ: Taapsee Pannu, Swara Bhasker React Sarcastically To Kangana’s ‘Needy Outsider’ Remark
In a tweet, the ‘Panga’ actress’ team said that Kangana wants to record her statement but she didn’t get any response from the Mumbai Police. Her team also posted a screenshot of the message which Rangoli Chandel sent to the police officers.
“There is no formal summon sent to Kangana , Rangoli keeps getting casual calls from the cops for past 2 weeks, Kangana wants to record statement but we don’t get any response from @mumbaipolice , Here’s a screen shot of message Rangoli ji sent to @mumbaipolice,” the tweet read.
Kangana Ranaut, who was last seen in 'Panga', lit a candle as a tribute to Sushant. Fans trended the hashtag #Candle4SSR to seek justice for the 'Kai Po Che' actor. Advocate Ishkaran Singh Bhandari, who has been appointed by BJP leader Subramanian Swamy, requested the fans to hold a digital protest to demand justice for the 'Raabta' star.
Kangana, while talking to a leading news channel, slammed the Bollywood biggies and said that their actions pressurized Sushant to take the drastic step. Her statements on the show mired controversy as she faced flak for calling Taapsee Pannu and Swara Bhasker 'needy outsiders'.
Also READ: Kangana Ranaut Calls Anurag Kashyap Mini ‘Mahesh Bhatt’
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