New Delhi: There have been several rumours about the casting of Nitesh Tiwari's 'Ramayana' adaptation. Ranbir Kapoor, Sai Pallavi, and Yash already appear in the trilogy as Rama, Sita, and Ravana, respectively. According to a recent report from Pinkvilla, Sunny Deol is reportedly in talks to play Hanuman.

According to the report, a source close to the project told the publication, “Hanuman stands for strength and there’s no one better than Sunny Deol in the Indian film industry to justify what Bajrangbali stands for. The actor has shown interest in being a part of Nitesh Tiwari’s rendition of Ramayana and is also excited to play the part of Lord Hanuman. However, it’s still early stages of discussion."

“The Ramayana is just a small part of Lord Hanuman’s life, and there are many other facets to the story. Nitesh wants to explore that with a standalone film on Lord Hanuman. Everything needs to fall in place – from the date of the shoot to the commitment for the franchise spin-offs and the financial structure,” the source added.

Nitesh, Madhu Mantena, Namit Malhotra, and Allu Aravind are the co-producers of the 'Ramayana' adaption. According to the source, all four of the co-producers agree that Sunny Deol should play Hanuman in the Ramayana trilogy and that a spin-off based on his character should be created. The trilogy is expected to kick off filming in February of next year.

Sunny Deol's most recent appearance was in the sequel to the action-romance hit 'Gadar: Ek Prem Katha' from 2001. He is likely to be seen in 'Lahore 1947' alongside the anticipated project 'Ramayana'. 'Lahore 1947' also marks the reunion of Aamir Khan and Santoshi after their iconic cult classic, ‘Andaz Apna Apna’. 

ALSO READ: Sunny Deol, Aamir Khan And Rajkumar Santoshi Join Forces For An Upcoming Film Titled, ‘Lahore, 1947’