New Delhi: The upcoming film ‘Lahore, 1947’ produced under the banner of Aamir Khan Productions, boasts one of the most prominent creative names of the century. This remarkable project marks the teaming up of Sunny Deol, Rajkumar Santoshi along with Aamir Khan. Interestingly, this film will also mark Aamir Khan Productions’ (AKP) 17th production under their banner. It’s a double bonanza for Sunny and Aamir fans. Accomplished director Rajkumar Santoshi will helm the project.
With this formidable trio of Sunny, Aamir and Santoshi collaborating on the monumental project, it's going to be a treat for the cinema enthusiasts and masses of India. Rajkumar Santoshi and Sunny Deol have previously delivered three box office hits together in the form of ‘Ghayal,’ ‘Damini,’ and ‘Ghatak.’
The news was announced in a post by Aamir Khan Productions: “I, and the entire team at AKP, are most excited and happy to announce our next, starring Sunny Deol, directed by Raj Kumar Santoshi, titled Lahore, 1947. We look forward to collaborating with the immensely talented Sunny, and one of my favorite directors Raj Santoshi. The journey we have embarked on promises to be most enriching. We seek your blessings.”
What makes the announcement even more impressive is the fact that Sunny Deol and Aamir Khan have had very iconic box-office clashes as competitors in the past. The first iconic clash at the ticket window was witnessed in 1990 when Aamir Khan’s ‘Dil’ and Sunny Deol’s ‘Ghayal’ released on the same day. Then in 1996, it was ‘Raja Hindustani’ vs ‘Ghatak’ followed by the most epic Box Office clash of Indian cinema in 2001 when ‘Lagaan’ released on the same day ‘Gadar’. Now, for the very first time, the duo have come together and joined hands on a project. Leading the film as the main actor will be Sunny Deol.
‘Lahore, 1947’ also marks the reunion of Aamir Khan and Santoshi after their iconic cult classic, ‘Andaz Apna Apna’. With such legendary and talented creative names coming together for the first time, it seems like a mega treat awaiting our audiences.
Notably, Sunny Deol recently broke the box office with 500 Cr plus mega-blockbuster ‘Gadar 2’.