New Delhi: The makers of 'Gadar 2' have dropped the first teaser for Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel's upcoming film. 'Gadar: Ek Prem Katha', directed by Anil Sharma and written by Shaktimaan Talwar, was based on the Tara Singh and Sakeena's love story, which made a lasting impression viewers. The 'Gadar 2' teaser indicates the plot picks up right after the final scenes of the 2001 film.
The prequel focuses on Tara Singh (played by Sunny), an Amritsar-based Sikh truck driver who has feelings for Sakeena (played by Ameesha), a Muslim girl from an influential Pakistani political family.
The first teaser shows Tara Singh (Sunny Deol) heading back to Pakistan to bring back his son Charanjeet Singh (Utkarsh Sharma). The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 will serve as the backdrop for the movie. The clip starts with the dialogue, "Damaad hai yeh Pakistan ka, Isko nariyal do, Tika Lagao, Warna is bar wo dahej mein lahore le jayega."
Check out the teaser here:
Speaking of the film, Sunny Deol said, “ Gadar 2 carries forward the legacy of its iconic first part. It’s a blessing to be able to bring back one of India’s most loved family film. At its heart the film would always be an inspiring epic story of love, courage and patriotism. Hope the world welcomes Tara and Sakina again with open arms.”
The film, directed by Anil Sharma and produced by Zee Studios, has Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel as the lead pair. The movie is scheduled to release in cinemas on August 11, 2023.